
Showing posts from May 21, 2017

Typical first post

Hei you! I'm Ghoulexa, your (possibly) new internet friend! After reading Zoella's book(s) 'Girl Online' in just 2 days, I thought that I can try to make my own place.  I'm gonna be anonymous at first, I hope it's okay! I'll wait 'till I feel ready to share who I am with you! Like Penny in GO series, I'm going to have some 'secret names' too. I think it's reaaaaally funny so lemme try it out :D I already had a blog, it was inactive tho. Posts here are going to be whenever I want, no schedule and things like that. I also have to say that English isn't my native language so you'll maybe notice few mistakes as I write. Feel free to comment and help me make some new friends *puppy face* P.S. My Layout isn't that good, gimme a little bit of time to make my blog look like something :D